Wellness Weekend for Women

Women nurture & care for others sometimes at the expense of their own self-care. This weekend is a time forĀ youĀ to get away andĀ focus on your own health and well-being. This will be an informative weekend, but also a fun weekend. You will leave encouraged and motivated to make some positive changes in your life forĀ YOURĀ health.

Information from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine will be shared. Delicious plant-based food will be served.

Brenda Workman, Owner of Brenda Workman Speaks and Food for Life Instructor will lead the sessions on food and women's health. Caroline Simmons, Curves Owner and Exercise/Nutrition Pro, will provide education and demonstration of fitness.Ā 

Registration fee does not include overnight accommodation. You must call Canaan Valley Resort to reserve your room or follow the link that is listed on BWS website.

SingleĀ Ticket


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Bring a Friend

Two Attendees


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Group Rate

10 or more

$115 each

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