Hi, I'm Brenda
After raising and homeschooling my four children, I landed a cool job at a private University. I was grateful for that job but found I was restless and unfulfilled in my position. I felt I was not using my full potential or my gifts. I sought counsel from a professor at the University. He helped me tap into my life’s mission, my God-given gifts, and my passion. Now I love my work and feel I am exactly where I belong.
I want to come alongside others and help them discover their God-given gifts and live a more intentional life.
I now offer the topics listed below. I can also customize topics for you:
- Living Intentionally-Making Goals Become Reality
- Whole Food Plant-Based Eating- Making it a Lifestyle
- Eating Healthy On a Budget
- Discover Your Passion: Love Your Work
- Stop Procrastinating & Just Do It
- Where There Is No Vision Women Get Depressed
- Prayer Journaling: Start Your Day With a Happy Heart
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Food For Life Courses (with cooking demonstrations)
- Communication Skills for the Empowered Leader
I have also created Intentional Living Planners to help guide the Intentional Living & goal-setting process. Many employers purchase these for their staff.

My Health Transformation
Another cool accomplishment happened when I had a health transformation. Because of health issues, my doctor suggested a plant- based diet. As you can imagine, this West Virginia girl had a learning curve. I jumped in with both feet. As a result, I lost 60 pounds, and my doctor was able to take me off cholesterol meds and blood pressure meds. The rest is history. I feel great!
I now offer:
- Wellness events for companies & non-profit organizations
- Food for Life classes
- Cooking demonstrations
- Supportive membership
- Online courses
- Wellness/cooking classes for children
- Annual Wellness Weekend at Canaan Valley Resort in Davis WV

My Education
I received my Master of Arts Degree in Education from Bluefield University. I went on to get my certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University and became a Food For Life Instructor through the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.