Book Brenda

Eating Plant-Based While Traveling

Many people ask me how I travel and stay on my plant-based eating diet. So, I thought Iā€™d share with you how I make it work.



A Guide to Success

Have you thought about switching to a Whole Food Plant-Based diet for your health, but you don't have any idea where to start?
I have created thisĀ free bookletĀ with you in mind.Ā 

In this booklet, I cover the groceries I keep in my house atĀ all times, what quick and easy meals I can throw together with those grocery items, what appliances I use in my WFPB kitchen, what I eat in an average day, what foods I batch-cook ahead of time, and some favoriteĀ recipes of mine. This booklet is going to get you started with your WFPB journey and your health will thank you. Enjoy my friend and follow me on social media for more recipes and tips.
